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- Pilno veido nardymo kaukė Seac Sub Magica L/XL
Ieškanties kokybiškos prekės už ytin mažą kainą, tai perversmas plaukiojime su vamzdeliu, kadangi Jūs galite laisvai kvėpuoti tiek per nosį tiek per burną, nereikia būti įsikandus vamzdelio kandiklio, kas per ilgesnį laiką sukelia žandikaulio skausmus. Kaukė nerasoja, didelis matomumo laukas. Sauso tipo vamzdelis panėrus neleidžia vandeniui patekti į kaukės vidų. Kaukė nėra skirta nardymui į didelius gylius (iki 5m). Suprojektuota ir pagaminta pagal Seac Sub užsakymą bei patentą. Viso spektro vaizdas su 180 ° regėjimo lauku. Atskiria kanalavimo sistema įkvepiamam ir išsiurbiamam orui kuris apsaugo objektyvą nuo rasojimo. Silikoninis sijonas ir polikarbonato rėmas bei objektyvas suteikia didžiulį komfortą. Tvirtinimo diržai lankstūs ir patogūs einantys per visą galvą. Veiksminga vandens valymo sistema naudoja išmetimo vožtuvą apatinėje sijono dalyje.
Prieš perkant būtina pasiteirauti ar turime norimą spalvą ir dydį parduotuvėje.
A feeling of fatigue and a build-up of CO2 in the respiratory system can lead to potentially serious consequences, even during low-impact physical activities like snorkeling. That’s why SEAC abides by two fundamental principles in designing its full-face snorkeling masks:
the user should need to employ the least possible breathing effort, comparable to natural breathing, out of the water and in a relaxing situation;
and the level of residual carbon dioxide CO2 inside the skirt while inhaling must bewell below the safety limits.
Even though there is no specific European regulation governing the manufacture of full-face snorkeling masks, SEAC® has developed a series of specific tests that comply with the values set forth by the following European regulations:
EN 1972:2015 establishes the requirements for the design and manufacture of snorkel tubes, limited to breathing effort;
EN 16805:2015 establishes the requirements for the design and manufacture of dive masks;
EN 136:2000 establishes the minimum requirements for the manufacture of full-face respiratory protection masks, limited to tests checking the CO2 in inhaled air;
EN 250:2014 regarding open-circuit compressed-air self-contained breathing apparatus and its components, limited to tests checking the CO2 in inhaled air.
In the SEAC labs, batches of full-face masks are tested with Ansti machines, specifically to measure the dynamic performance of human breathing, and withproprietary SEAC equipment to check levels of CO2 in the air inhaled through the masks. All this makes it possible for us to offer the end user the best possible snorkeling experience, in complete safety, because with SEAC® full-face masks, having fun is as natural as breathing!